Friday, January 23, 2009

New year 2009

Our family is making major changes in our lives this year. We have started attending First Baptist Church of Royse City and love it. Michael and I take a marriage bible study class and the kids enjoy their bible study classes on Sunday and Wednesdays. Aaron has made many friends in his youth group and I think this will be a positive thing for him. Megan seems to have made friends almost immediately and is quite the social butterfly. 

Michael will be on the road alot this year and we are hoping that all of his hard work will be rewarded with a family vacation to Tennessee this summer. Michael has been several times and says it is absolutely beautiful. We want to rent a cabin on the lake so the kids can swim and Michael can get some fishing in as well as sight seeing. I am also hoping the kids and I will be able to take a week to go to New Orleans to visit Aunt Sharon. 

I have been working hard on getting things ready for a yard sale in March. Our home has lots of projects that need to be done ASAP. I hope that we are able to get a new couch and loveseat as well as a new dining room table. 

My women's bible study group will be starting a in depth study of Esther on February 4th and I can't wait. I am so excited to see the hunger and enthusiasm that the children have for the word of God. I realized just how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and two beautiful healthy children and I thank not only God but my husband for his undying love and devotion.